West London NHS Trust

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Rapid rise in ‘high risk’ estates bill revealed


The bill for fixing NHS buildings to avoid serious injuries to patients and major disruption to clinical services is rising at a rapid rate in mental healthcare, HSJ analysis has revealed.

Vaccine lab

Trusts rubbish accuracy of ‘vital’ covid vaccination figures


Multiple trusts have disputed the accuracy of the first published provider-level data on NHS staff covid vaccine uptake, which is described as ‘vital’ and ‘highly important’ by the UK Health Security Agency.

Rebecca Thomas 3x2

Mental Health Matters: ‘A culture of risk taking’


HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector — contact me in confidence.


Exclusive: Staff assaults and killings spark investigation of 20 providers


Safety inspections have been carried out at 20 health and care providers, in response to a high level of assaults, including three staff killed by patients in the last five years.

Emergency, service redesign, A&E

Revealed: The trusts testing latest round of emergency targets


New mental health emergency care targets will be trialled across 11 NHS organisations and one social enterprise, NHS England has confirmed.

Woman smoking

Council ceases NHS-provided smoking cessation service


The third largest London borough will discontinue its NHS-provided stop smoking service to save money.

community services care worker elderly woman patient

Preferred bidder named for controversial £450m contract


A London trust has been named as the preferred bidder for a £450m community services contract that has been criticised for not offering enough money to meet its service obligations.

Chief executive of the year

Top NHS chief execs in running for HSJ award


Seven top NHS leaders have been shortlisted for chief executive of the year at the HSJ Awards 2018.

mental health child depressed looking out window alone bed

Revealed: Hundreds of children wait more than a year for specialist help


Hundreds of young people assessed as needing specialist mental health treatment have been made to wait more than a year, an investigation by HSJ can reveal.

Nurse doctor

CCG tenders £450m community services contract


Commissioners have tendered a £450m contract for community services in west London, which has sparked apparent interest from at least two NHS trusts and private provider Virgin Care.


Revealed: The largest land sales by NHS trusts


NHS trusts received around £350m from land sales in 2017-18, an increase of more than 50 per cent on the previous year, according to new data.

map of london

Exclusive: Chief named for biggest group of CCGs


An accountable officer has been appointed across eight clinical commissioning groups in London, covering the most populous patch of any chief officer.

Psychiatric / mental health unit

Five-trust consortium to repatriate high risk patients


A consortium of mental health trusts has created a new central team to bring back out of area patients and manage beds for the footprint.

Salford royal

70 trusts working with NHSI to boost workforce retention


Seventy NHS trusts have now been recruited by NHS Improvement to its programme to improve workforce retention rates in the health service.

map of london

CCGs spend millions on consultancy for stalled reconfiguration


Commissioners in north west London spent £36m on consultancy firms over the last four financial years – including millions on service redesign recently stalled by NHS Improvement.

Ben clover expert briefing

London Eye: Good news and bad news


Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy

Three bridges

Trust cuts use of patient restraint


A mental health trust has reduced patient restraint by a fifth in one year under a new clinical pathway at its purpose built medium secure unit.


Warning notice lifted from Broadmoor after staffing boost


Regulators have lifted the warning notice on a high secure hospital following improvements at the site.

Bruce keogh

NHS England urged to improve physical healthcare in mental health units


A coroner has urged NHS England to improve physical healthcare support for patients in mental health units following the death of a new mother with post-partum psychosis in an inpatient unit.

Carolyn regan

Leaders speak their minds on commissioning


A new report by NHS Providers quizzes a range of leaders on issues including the role of sustainability and transformation plans and accountable care systems.